Wow! I am so busy these days...I almost couldn't tell you what day it is. I am sure that I would have to stop and think about it. Sheesh!
Well, I had my small "in office" craft show for all our State Attorney staff. I am thinking this is not the year for buying crafts. I made one sale and one semi sale...meaning I was told to put it aside and she would catch me later. This could be good and bad. On one hand, I am disappointed that I didn't really sell much, but on the other hand, I have a good inventory for my BIG, BIG, BIG show next weekend. Oh well...we live and we learn. My dear husband keeps telling me, "it's not the product, it's the limited market for the product." God love him...he's trying. I guess he is right though...not that many people like handmade stuff anymore. I did have a couple tell me that my burp cloths would be GREAT kitchen towels. Ha,ha!
Anyway, I said I would give it a year. That won't be until February, so we shall see. I still have the O'Connell Center after Thanksgiving, so keep your fingers crossed for me.